
The wave that will cleanse your disks!

Version 0.4.0

Release Date: August 10th, 2012.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or greater. Intel 64bits CPU.

Dropped support for Mac OS X 10.5, PowerPC and 32 bits Intel CPUs.

New Features:

  • Added support for scan complete Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8.
  • Removed some legacy code to support 10.5 and PowerPC and migrated to 10.6 SDK.
  • Removed support for WhichSize updates (DiskWave was previously named WhichSize and upgrades up to DiskWave 0.3.2).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed AddressBook console warnings when opening the "Add Location" file panel. This is caused by a class name collision.
  • Fixed crash that occurs when connecting/disconnecting external disks (HF-20120729).
  • Fixed crash on startup when the capacity of volume cannot be read (HF-20120720).

Download: DiskWave_0.4.0.dmg

Version 0.3.2

Release Date: July 16th, 2012.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support for Intel only.

The next release will not support Mac OS X 10.5, PowerPC and 32 bits Intel CPUs.

New Features:

  • Added Gatekeeper support for Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8.
  • Improved the preferences dialog.
  • Added menu items for "Reveal in Finder", "Move to Trash" and "QuickLook".

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed crash that occurs when clicking on an empty cell in the file browser.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to open multiple Preferences windows.

Download: DiskWave_0.3.2.dmg

Version 0.3.0

Release Date: November 7th, 2011.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support for Intel only.

Improved Mac OS X 10.7 Lion support.

New Features:

  • Added anonymous system profile reporting (via Sparkle).
  • Slightly improved performance of scanning on slow disks, due to a better GUI refresh.
  • Disabled application persistence on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Added full screen support on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed random crashes when deleting a custom place from the sidebar.
  • Fixed refresh issue of path control when the file browser view is displayed the first time.
  • Fixed annoying bug that moves the scrollbar of the file browser when it is refreshed.
  • Fixed display bug of "PLACES" and the mini buttons in the sidebar on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.

Download: DiskWave_0.3.dmg

Version 0.2.6

Release Date: December 26th, 2010.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed crash that occurs when scanning directories with more than 50 nested subdirectories.

Download: DiskWave_0.2.6.dmg

Version 0.2.5

Release Date: December 12th, 2010.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support.

New features:

  • Added toolbar with "sort", "reveal", "delete" and "quicklook" items.
  • QuickLook is only supported for 10.6 and greater.
  • EULA changed to exclude CNET/VersionTracker from redistributing DiskWave in the future. DiskWave cannot be registered there as it is not developed by a company.

Bug fixes:

  • Improved appearance of chasing arrows in the left panel.
  • Fixed MainWindow positioning on very small screens.
  • Fixed bug in pretty printing of small file sizes. Example: "23 bytes" would have been displayed as "0 bytes".
  • Fixed synchronization bug in the browser between the selection and the navigation bar.

Download: DiskWave_0.2.5.dmg

Version 0.2.1

Release Date: April 11th, 2010.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support.

The software is now called DiskWave due to complaints from id-design, inc.

New features:

  • Added browser navigation bar.

Bug fixes:

  • Left panel updates when disk are mounted or unmounted.
  • Fixed bug that allowed selection of a group item in the left bar.

Download: DiskWave_0.2.1.dmg

Version 0.2 (WhichSize)

Release Date: April 3rd, 2010.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Intel and PPC. 64 bits support.

New features:

  • Automated application update.
  • Custom locations: allows to scan folders.
  • Enhanced graphical appearance of left panel.
  • Preference option to show/hide invisible files.
  • Added support for Mac OS X 10.5 and PowerPC.
  • Changed application icon to avoid trademark infringement.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed incorrect rounding of file sizes in Base 10.
  • Fixed browser refresh bug. Under some circumstances the main view would not be updated when the selection changed in the left panel.
  • Fixed refresh bug with Preferences options. Sometimes the main view would not refresh properly.
  • Clicking on mini scan/stop button does not change the selection in the left pane.
  • Removed Autorelease pool startup warnings.

Download: WhichSize_0.2.dmg

Version 0.1 (WhichSize)

Release Date: March 10th, 2010.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6. Intel only. 64 bits support.

Initial public release:

  • Ability to scan drives only.
  • Base 10 and Base 2 display.
  • Sort by namd and sort by size display.

Download: WhichSize_0.1.dmg